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May 2023


Effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation for people with anorexia nervosa

Tuesday 30 May

Participants are sought for a treatment trial assessing the effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation for people with anorexia nervosa.

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Victorian Budget 2023/24 Media Release

Tuesday 23 May

The Victorian Government has provided no further uplift to existing services at Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) in today's 2023/24 State Budget. The 12-month funding is $1.6million less than the $4million per year proposed by EDV, and well short of the three-year funding commitment also requested by the organisation. 

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Men and Women (cisgender) Needed for Self-Perception Study

Tuesday 9 May

You are invited to participate in a study investigating self-perception. Researchers hope to learn what psychological factors may influence how flexible self-perception is. Researchers are seeking both males and females (cisgender) for this study.

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Eating Disorders Postpartum

Monday 8 May

Whether you have experienced an eating disorder before, or this is a new occurrence, the post-partum time can be so special and also exceptionally vulnerable. Not only are you adjusting to life with a new baby, but your body is also healing and continuing to change, you are likely getting less sleep and will probably be prioritizing the needs of your baby over your own. 

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Why every day should be No Diet Day

Thursday 4 May

In the spirit of International No Diet Day 2023, we're sharing some of the reasons why we believe that EVERY day should be No Diet Day.

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April 2023


Exploring Clinician Understanding and Experiences of the MBS Item Numbers for Eating Disorders

Monday 24 April

Researchers from the University of Melbourne are investigating the new Medicare reforms for Eating Disorders by exploring clinicians’ knowledge, satisfaction, and experiences with Eating Disorder treatment under the new reforms in current practice.

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Caring for a neurodivergent loved one with an eating disorder

Wednesday 19 April

Discover practical ways to support someone who is neurodivergent and struggling with an eating disorder, including tips for meal support and communication strategies.

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March 2023


Social media and eating disorder recovery

Wednesday 29 March

Is it time to re-evaluate your relationship with social media? The content we engage with over time can influence the way we see ourselves, each other, our worldview and what we think is important. EDV Telehealth Counsellor Rosie shares her tips for making social media work for you in eating disorder recovery.

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Ramadan and eating disorders

Thursday 23 March

For Muslims, fasting in Ramadan increases community connection as it is obligatory upon all who are capable and of mature age. However, there are many Muslims who are unable to or struggle to fast due to their circumstances (including battling with an eating disorder) which can contribute to them feeling dismayed and ashamed despite not necessarily being obligated to fast.

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Web and app based Interventions for Reducing Eating Disorders (WIRED) project

Monday 20 March

The Web- and app-based Interventions for Reducing Eating Disorders (WIRED) project has developed a 10-week app-based prevention and early intervention program (SEED) targeting eating disorder symptoms in adults.

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Georgia's story - choosing recovery everyday

If you are just starting on your recovery journey, I want to tell you firstly how proud I am of you for taking those steps, and to not give up entirely if you have slip ups along the way – it is part of the journey, no story of recovery is linear.

Georgia's story