Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy - Eating Disorders Victoria
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Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy

Home ~ Get involved ~ Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy

This page explains how you can get involved in the development of the Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy.

What is the Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy?

In recognition of the significant and growing issue of eating disorders in Victoria, the Victorian Government has committed to developing a new Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy. The last state-wide strategy was developed in 2014.

The strategy will guide high-quality, safe and evidence-informed practice in promotion, prevention, early intervention and treatment for Victorians with or at risk of developing an eating disorder as well as their families, carers and supporters.

The strategy will include:

  • Vision: what we will work towards as a community and a sector
  • Principles: to guide how we implement and monitor the strategy
  • Priority areas: where we will focus our attention to have the greatest impact and support achieving our vision
  • Priority groups: individuals and community groups who are disproportionately affected by eating disorders
  • Actions and initiatives: activities that will guide a more systemic and coordinated response to support people living with eating disorders, as well as their families, carers and supporters

The strategy will be developed by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Division in the Victorian Department of Health in partnership with Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) and the Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED), along with people with lived experience and the sector.


The strategy process is officially taking place from July 2022 – June 2023. Community involvement will mostly take place between Oct 2022 – March 2023. The final strategy is expected to be tabled in June 2023.

How can you get involved?

Stage 1 – Survey

You are invited to complete an online written response to survey questions provided by Engage Victoria. Be sure read the discussion paper on the Engage website which provides an overview of eating disorders and the current system of care for eating disorders in Victoria.

Then, respond to the survey questions. The questions allow for open ended responses, so please set aside some time to complete.

The survey is open to all Victorians impacted by eating disorders, including those with lived experience, carers and health professionals.

Stage 2 – Roundtables and Focused Discussions

The Victorian Department of Health is hosting a series of lived experience engagements between October-December 2022. These engagements will all be approximately 3.5 hours and will be held online, unless stated otherwise in the schedule.

Engagements will explore:

  • Participant’s vision for the strategy
  • Priority areas for action
  • What success looks like for the strategy, considering different personas
  • Key barriers, challenges or issues
  • Opportunities and enablers for the future

All participants will be reimbursed for their time at the ‘Involve’ remuneration rate of $175.00 (up to 4 hours).

Below is an outline of the topics for each roundtable or focused discussion.

  • Promotion, prevention and health advocacy 
  • Eating disorders and neurodiverse people 
  • Larger bodied people* with eating disorders *We recognise that people may use a variety of other terms to describe their bodies such as plus sized, fat, larger etc.
  • Eating disorders and athletes and performing artists
  • Eating disorders and type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Eating disorders and culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • Eating disorders and LGBTIQ+ communities
  • Eating disorders and males
  • Eating disorders and youth and adolescents
  • Severe and enduring eating disorders
  • Eating disorders and rural and remote communities

See here for detailed information about the Roundtables and Focused Discussions, including proposed dates for each engagement

Stage 3 – What we heard report

The Department of Health released the ‘What we heard report’ on Friday March 31st 2023. The report is a culmination of more than 250 individual inputs into the strategy, including roundtable consultations and submissions from those with consumer and carer lived experience, clinical experts and advocacy groups.

The report calls for “a system that is person, family and supporter-centred, is accessible, interconnected and evidence-informed and one that promotes prevention and early intervention, and is co-designed and delivered with lived experience.”

Read the What we heard report on the Engage Victoria website here.

Next steps: A series of targeted workshops will be held to test a strategic framework for the draft eating disorder strategy.

Stage 4 – Targeted Workshops

Targeted Workshops will be held online across three identical sessions on: May 16th, May 18th, and May 24th, 2023.

For more information, please see the Workshop Information Sheet here.

Further information

If you would like further information about the Victorian Eating Disorder Strategy, including how you can get involved, please reach out to EDV’s Policy and Advocacy Officer Monique at [email protected].

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